Setting up local developement environment

  • Pull the latest stable release from the master branch.
  • Ideally create a new python environment.
  • Do not install and uninstall existing packages of pyviz3d in your local environment. This guarantees that you are running your code and not the one from the installed package.
  • The examples in examples are a good starting point for developing new features.
  • When running code (e.g. examples/ set your working directory to the root directory of the code base such that the path to the pyviz module is correct.


The documentation pages are mainted using mkdocs.

  • To update the documentation modify the markdown files in docs/*.md.
  • When adding new pages, modify the file mkdocs.yml accordingly.
  • The locally test the documentation, go to ./ and run mkdocs serve.
  • To deploy the documentation: mkdocs gh-deploy.

Automatically generating the documentation from docstrings:

  • Install the mkdocstrings plugin for mkdocs: pip install mkdocstrings
  • Add the plugin to the `mkdocs.yaml': '''# mkdocs.yml plugins:
  • mkdocstrings'''